Hidden Story

Story a Picture Hides

I believe stories can be told through pictures. The photographer decides if the picture tells the truth, part of it, a version that is acceptable to the masses or just plain lie.  Whatever it may be, it still has a story. For all of us an image can be disturbing, beautiful or a waste of time. We may or may not like it. We may interpret the story as per our conditioning. Make it our story for some time. 

I'm writing this for those who are inquisitive about how a picture is created. How does one tell one's story through pictures. 
Absolut Peppar bottle still life image
Nikon D3000, f/1.8, 1/50 secs, ISO 400, no flash
The hidden story in the picture is How the picture was created in the first place.

The story will tell you all the settings in place which were used to get that picture. 

I'm a photography enthusiast and I learn from trying out different settings each day. There have been times where years after clicking a picture I've found faults in it and learnt from it. 

This blog is about my experience of creating images and trying out different styles and methods. In the various sections I have tried to simplify the basics of photography and what settings help get us the desired effect. I will include many of my pictures and the settings I've used to get that image, the mistakes I made and how to avoid them. 

We are however blessed with digital technology which lets us experiment more. I've been using digital for a very long time and have used film only on old point and shoot camera like the Yashica MF2 which my parents had. The benefits of digital is that we can keep making more mistakes and learn at our own pace without worrying about the costs of film and developing it. 

Most of my images here were clicked using a DSLR. Don't worry if you're using a cell phone or a point and shoot, till such time that the camera allows you to customize the settings. 

Keep Clicking!

